8 Takeaways from AuthorityHacker's Affiliate Survey - Every Affiliate Needs to know.

8 Takeaways from AuthorityHacker's Affiliate Survey - Every Affiliate Needs to know.
Photo by Bench Accounting / Unsplash

AuthorityHacker recently conducted a comprehensive survey, reaching out to affiliate marketers of all levels. Through a blend of outreach methods, from emails to social media, they've collected diverse insights to offer a holistic view of the current affiliate marketing landscape.

Dive in to uncover key findings and trends.

📈 1. Cha-Ching Monthly Earnings & Traffic:

  • Cash Alert! - The average affiliate marketer is bagging a cool $8,038 every. single. month. If that doesn’t get your guac mashing, I don't know what will.
  • Traffic Goldmine - Average RPM of an affiliate site? A smooth $149.76. (RPM stands for "Revenue Per Mille," where "mille" is the Latin term for one thousand.)

🚀 2. The Value of Grinding it Out:

The longer you’re in the game, the bigger your game gets. Seasoned pros (3+ years) are pulling in a whopping 9.45x more money than the newbies. So, keep at it.

🎯 3. Niche Hunting? Aim Here:

Struggling to pick a niche for your next project? Well, the golden geese right now are Education/E-Learning, jet-setting Travel, and gorgeous Beauty/Skincare. You’re welcome.

🚦 4. Traffic Jam? You Ain’t Alone:

For 45.3% of affiliates, struggle with traffic. Time to go full superhero mode and tackle this beast. We've got tools for that. 😉

💲 5. Double the Fun with Monetization:

82% of the big-shot websites (raking in 6+ figures) are playing with both display ads and affiliate links. Why have one when you can have both?

🤝 6. Affiliate connections are important:

Affiliates who network are literally 1.5x richer.

🕺 7. Google’s Dance Didn’t Step on Most Toes:

Fear of algorithm updates on your SEO website?
Only 25.1% had issues. Stay legit, and you won't have to sweat.

👊 8. Thinkin’ of Tapping Out? Hold On!:

Here's your motivational fact of the day: 31.3% of the top-tier earners had moments of "Should I quit?" Spoiler: They didn't. And look at them now!


So there you have it - affiliate marketing’s juiciest tidbitse. Dive in, spice up your strategies, and watch the moolah roll in. Until next time 🍋💥

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Affiliate Zest

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