Brandpush : Get Featured On news Sites - Our Affiliate Results

Brandpush : Get Featured On news Sites - Our Affiliate Results

At AffiliateZest, we're always on the lookout for promising programs that can benefit both us and our audience. One such program that caught our attention is the BrandPush Affiliate Program. Here's a comprehensive review of our experience with them and why you might consider joining too.

What is BrandPush?

BrandPush is a marketing agency that specializes in writing and publishing press releases. Their primary goal is to assist clients in attracting more buyers, achieving higher rankings on Google, getting verified on social media, and converting more visitors into customers.

Their services cater to website owners, influencers, and small to medium-sized businesses. The pricing for their services starts from $195 for publishing and goes up to $318 for both writing and publishing.

Why Promote BrandPush?

  1. High Earning Potential: On average, affiliates earn $107 per active client they refer. The highest commission from a single referred client exceeded $4000.
  2. Lifetime Tracking: BrandPush offers a 45-day window after the first visit for a referral to initiate a checkout. Once they do, you'll earn a commission on all their sales for life.
  3. High Client Retention: Clients love the services provided by BrandPush and often return for more, with many making monthly purchases.

Affiliate Program Details:

  • Commission Rate: Earn a 25% lifetime commission on all sales from every client you refer. This includes returning clients that BrandPush re-engages through their retargeting campaigns.
  • Reseller Clause: If a referred client becomes a reseller, the commission rate drops to 10% to account for the 15% reseller discount. However, resellers typically generate more commissions than regular clients.
  • Payment Details: Commissions are approved once the order is completed. Affiliates are paid via PayPal by the 6th of every month.

Our Results with BrandPush:

AffiliateZest's collaboration with BrandPush has been fruitful. We've driven a total of $3,391 in affiliate commissions while promoting their services.

Our monthly payouts have varied, with the lowest being $93.5 and the highest reaching an impressive $1090.16.

Affiliate Rules:

It's essential to adhere to the program's rules to ensure a smooth partnership:

  1. Avoid making false claims about their services.
  2. Do not sign up for their services using your own affiliate link.
  3. Ensure you have the recipient's consent before sending emails containing your affiliate link.
  4. Refrain from placing your affiliate link on websites promoting gambling, adult content, or pharmaceuticals.
  5. Avoid spamming or misusing your affiliate link.
  6. Do not bid on PPC keywords that include "Brand Push" or "BrandPush".
  7. Ensure your payment method details are accurate as payouts cannot be reversed.

Leveraging BrandPush for Affiliate Offers:

Having a professionally written press release about your affiliate offer, detailing its benefits, features, and unique selling points. By utilizing BrandPush's expertise in writing and publishing press releases, affiliates can gain increased visibility and credibility for their offers.

This not only drives targeted traffic but also establishes trust with potential buyers. A well-crafted article can be the difference between a passerby and a committed customer.

With BrandPush, affiliates have the opportunity to elevate their promotional strategies, ensuring their offers are seen and heard in the right places.

Final Thoughts:

The BrandPush Affiliate Program offers a lucrative opportunity for affiliates looking to promote a high-quality service. Their commitment to client satisfaction, combined with a generous commission structure, makes it a win-win for both parties. If you're in the affiliate marketing space, this is one program you shouldn't overlook.

Interested in joining? Click here to sign up for the BrandPush Affiliate Program and start earning today!

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Affiliate Zest

Affiliate Zest

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